Tony Flannery to Give Talks in Ireland and UK

Jan 20, 2014 | 0 comments

After almost two years out of ministry, and at the age of 67, Tony Flannery has decided not to wait around for the Vatican (and in particular the CDF) to change its mind! Informed sources say that is very unlikely, despite everything Pope Francis is saying. Caring greatly about our church and the Gospel message, Fr Flannery has decided to embark on a series of talks on church reform.  In these talks he hopes to give some historical background to the main problems we are facing in the Church today, and then attempt to point some of the ways forward — many of them already being spoken by Pope Francis.

The schedule for the next few weeks is as follows:

Wednesday, January 22nd:  Clayton Hotel, Galway:  8.00 pm
Thursday,  January 23rd:   Primary Care Centre, Athenry:  8.00 pm
Wednesday, January 29th:  Welcome Inn, Castelbar:  8.00 pm
Wednesday, February 5th:  South Court Hotel, Limerick:  8.00 pm.

Later in February he is scheduled to give some talks in London.  During March and April he aims to continue touring Ireland.  If any group or individuals would be interested in organising such an event, please give him a ring at 087 681 4699. 


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