Upcoming Synod of Bishops is about more than just marriage and family

Oct 2, 2014 | 1 comment

Robert Mickens

A Roman Observer: For his first column for the NCR, Robert Mickens, a longtime Vatican observer, tells us what to expect when the synod on the family opens this weekend.

1 Comment

  1. Martin Murray

    “In this apostolic exhortation (Evangelii Gaudium), the pope says it is even necessary to “re-examine” various “rules or precepts” and “certain customs” when “considering a reform of the Church.” This includes a generous, open and merciful attitude toward offering people the sacraments. Quoting St. Ambrose, he writes that the Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

    I am encouraged by these words of Pope Francis and hope that beginning with this synod and under his leadership, we may yet set a new course for our Church which will reflect the universal love and compassion of the God in who’s name it claims to act and speak.


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