Interested in Joining the ACI Steering Group?

Jun 4, 2013 | 1 comment

Following Saturday’s successful launch of ACI, it was accepted that three members of the current Steering Group (SG) would remain on the group while the other five members are standing down, having contributed to the development of the association over the past year.  Of these five, three represent existing Reform Groups –  We are ChurchPobal Dé and Voice of the Faithful – whose  replacements will be nominated by their group over the coming weeks (as agreed at the All Hallows meeting on May 20th 2012).

There are now two vacancies on the ACI SG for individuals or members of any reform and renewal group who would like to play a part in building the next phase of this emerging organisation. If you feel that you could have a lot to offer the future of the reform and renewal movement in Ireland now is the time to ‘step up!’

Steering Group Commitments

The following may be helpful to individuals considering joining the ACI SG. The SG meets formally at least once a month. In addition informal meetings are scheduled as necessary to address issues of importance as they arise. SG members also work between meetings on matters related to the website, forthcoming events, responding to members queries, etc. It is anticipated that the SG will also have to undertake media commitments once the ACI is formally launched.

If the SG is not for you?

As ACI is still establishing itself as a new organisation we are looking for other individuals to assist with various aspects of its development. We hope that this organisation can grow and develop to reach all who share our objectives.

If you are interested and feel that you have skills to offer please feel free to contact us on, with ‘Expression of Interest’ as the subject of your email.

We are particularly interested in hearing from you if you have skills or experience in any of the following ares:

  • Group Facilitation
  • Theology
  • The Community/Non-Profit Sector
  • Writing and Journalism
  • Web Content Management
  • Research and Article Sourcing
  • Public Relations and Communications
  • Fundraising
  • Photography
  • Hospitality
  • Administration and Information Management
  • Pastoral Work
  • Adult Education

1 Comment

  1. Ireland

    I would love to join


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