‘Seek and you will find!’

‘Seek and you will find!’
Adult faith needs adult networking.
Individualism is for yesterday! For Hilda Geraghty everything connects and Teilhard de Chardin tells us how!
Need for far more rapid divestment to conserve resources.
Can the concept of ‘Re-Wilding’ help us to create spaces for the development of faith?
Adult conversion and inner conviction needed – for a resilient personal faith.
No one can transmit their own faith to anyone else!
‘One Big Day and that’s it’ set to end in Ireland’s largest diocese.
This popular course provokes questions on the history and the future of the Church.
Faith Formation "essential’ – Bishop Michael Router of Armagh
The cry for an informed and articulate faith: ‘We don’t really know how to evangelise!’
It’s time to be honest and grown-up about Catholic faith development in 2022!
What kind of faith should we now have in organised religion?
The importance of the Catechism is unquestionable, but, for Aidan Hart, it is the experience of God’s love that always comes first in the development of faith.
The Christian Creed was originally an affirmation that those who followed Jesus faithfully could not be humiliated by an unjust state.