Wolfgang Palaver on the need to maintain a separation of church and state, for the sake of the Gospel.
The Cosmic Christ
Individualism is for yesterday! For Hilda Geraghty everything connects and Teilhard de Chardin tells us how!
Apocalypse Soon – or New Pentecost?
Apocalypse means revelation – not the end of everything!
2024 – Irish Catholic Vocations Office Mired in Clericalism
Only ordained priests are called to take risks for Christ?
‘Church is Mission’?
How a medieval mistake about atonement obstructs the ‘Good News’ today.
How the BBC’s ‘Colosseum’ Explains the Creed
The Creed sustained the martyrs of ancient Rome, but was itself weakened by Christendom.
Comeuppance or Confession – A ‘Reckoning’ on Clerical Abuse?
Church leaders must someday follow King David’s example of frank confession.
The Paschal Mystery & the Sign of Jonah
The mystery of eternal life, beyond the death we must endure.
Jesus Did Not Covet – and Renounced Political Power
And yet there are still Catholics who can’t see that power corrupts.
A ‘Reckoning’ on Catholic Clerical Abuse? Seriously?
Will the Universal Synod initiate a full discovery of the roots of secrecy?
The World is Now Scrutinising the Church
For Soline Humbert the issue of clerical abuse of children refuses to go away.
What Do We Mean by The Kingdom of God?
There are no ‘subjects’ in God’s Kingdom – only free and equal people.
Adult Faith Formation: Is ‘Alpha’ the Answer?
This popular course provokes questions on the history and the future of the Church.
ACI at the National Pre-Synodal Assembly
Pope Francis in Canada – July 24-30, 2022 – What’s at Stake?
Will Pope Francis speak out plainly against North American ‘white nationalism’?