by soconaill | Jan 1, 2021 | News, Prayer
by soconaill | Nov 13, 2020 | Articles, Books, Faith Formation, Family, Featured, Parish Development, Prayer
In the wake of good news from Dublin of the potential of family-led preparation of children for early sacraments we hear also that parents are especially committed to family and deeply appreciative of the welcome given to them by parishes in this new model. They are...
by soconaill | Apr 10, 2020 | Prayer, Scripture Text
Prayers From the depths I call to you, Yahweh: Lord, hear my cry. Listen attentively to the sound of my pleading! If you kept a record of our sins, Lord, who could stand their ground? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered. I rely, my whole being...
by soconaill | Sep 15, 2018 | News, Prayer
“Every morning for 40 years, after morning prayer, I recite the prayer of St. Thomas More, asking for a sense of humour. It seems the Lord has given it to me!” So answered Pope Francis when asked by Irish Jesuit Fr John Callanan: “But how do...
by soconaill | Jun 21, 2018 | Prayer
PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2018 As we celebrate today the birth of John the Baptist, we pray for the newly baptised in our community that, through the waters of baptism, they receive an abundance of blessings from our Heavenly Father. We pray to the...
by soconaill | May 27, 2018 | Prayer
PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY, MAY 27, 2018 On this Holy Trinity Sunday, we reflect on the mystery of God as we gather to worship the Father who creates, the Son who redeems and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies. We pray for the grace to appreciate the...
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