by soconaill | Oct 9, 2020 | Articles, Faith Formation, Featured
54 years after Cardinal William Conway foretold the end of the ‘old paternalism’ in the Irish Catholic Church – in the year that the pope’s own closest adviser on the progress of child safeguarding in the church warned that the same...
by soconaill | Oct 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
Prize Day speech by Cardinal William Conway, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All-Ireland, at the annual prize-giving in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth on the 19th June, 1966 Today and for a long to come much of the life of the Church will be dominated by...
by soconaill | Oct 7, 2020 | Faith Formation, News
“Catholic Church documents on the handing on of the faith declare unambiguously that it is the primary responsibility of the parents and the family. This pandemic-infested year provided a good opportunity to put this teaching into practice.” So declared...
by soconaill | Oct 4, 2020 | Past Events
According to at least one polling service, Donald Trump had lost the support of a majority of white US Catholics by September 2020, an electoral trend that had begun at least as early as April, when the Covid 19 virus was impacting heavily on voters in many...
by soconaill | Oct 3, 2020 | Articles, Featured
In commenting on an earlier feature – Why Parish? – Neil Bray asked ‘what do we mean by Catholic Community?’ Asked to consider giving us a new feature on that subject, Neil sent us what follows: a summary of, and reflection on the...
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