Exploring Women’s Christianity - Join us on International Women’s Day for the launch of the revised edition of Mary T. Malone’s book Elephant in the Church and a discussion on female Christianity. FRIDAY MARCH 8TH 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Avila Carmelite Centre, Bloomfield...
FILM SHOWING Film: "Monsenor - The Last Journey of Oscar Romero" (88 minutes) Venue: Mercy International Centre, 64A Baggot Street, Dublin 2 Time: 7.30pm to 9.15pm (Cuppa & chat from 7pm) Date: Monday 4th of March 2019
ACI Carlow Host Talk By Fr. Gerry O’Hanlon SJ
ACI Carlow will host a talk by Fr. Gerry O’Hanlon SJ on Tuesday 19th February 2019 in the Parish Centre, Leighlinbridge.
Archbishop Eamon Martin asks for feedback on child safeguarding
Archbishop Eamon Martin asks for fast feedback on six questions – to help prepare him for the Feb 21-24, 2019 Rome Summit on clerical abuse.
The Abuse Summit will Fail: Thomas Reese
Thomas Reese SJ gives five reasons for thinking the February Vatican summit of bishops on the handling of abuse will fail to meet expectations.
Feb 2019 Abuse Summit: ‘The end of the road for many’ – Marie Collins
Critical of the planning for the Feb 21-24 summit of church primates on abuse in Rome, Marie Collins calls it a ‘last chance’ for the Vatican.
Gerry O’Hanlon SJ to speak on Synodality in Armagh
‘Synodality‘ – for many the future shape of the Church – to be unpacked in Armagh on 19th January, 2019 – by Fr Gerry O’Hanlon SJ
German Church to abandon mandatory celibacy?
Against a background of deep division among bishops, Cardinal Reinhard Marx forecasts turmoil over ‘tradition’ in 2019.
Pope Francis calls US bishops to change of mindset
‘A Living Fabric has Come Undone…’
"In recent years, the Church in the United States has been shaken by various scandals that have gravely affected its credibility…"
WAC_I Event: Marie Collins, 14th January 2019
Marie Collins speaking on ‘How Pope Francis and the heads of Bishops’ conferences might tackle the
clerical abuse scandal’
Note to newspaper editors: Change ‘church’ to ‘hierarchy’: Thomas Reese
It was not ‘the Catholic Church’ that failed to protect children from clerical predators, writes Thomas Reese SJ. It was Catholic bishops and superiors.
ACP Letter to Irish Bishops calls for a National Assembly to discuss Church Reform and Renewal
Dear Bishops, We write in the aftermath of the visit of Pope Francis. It was a strange few days. On the one hand, the palpable delight of so many in the visit of Pope Francis and the lift it has given to the Irish Church. On the other, a sinking feeling that the visit...
The Hidden Cost of Unaccountability
New website – jonahcoming.com – highlights the hidden costs of unaccountability in the church – for women and for clergy themselves.
Time for Action
‘The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better’ Fr.
Richard Rohr – Emerging Church …statistically Catholicism is still the biggest religion.
The Quiet Revolution of Pope Francis- A Synodal Catholic Church in Ireland
HOWTH PARISH REFORM AND RENEWAL GROUP will meet on Monday the 5th November in St....