Jamie Manson argues that the continuing impact of Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical on some of the world’s poorest women should not be forgotten this year.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin – ‘Crisis of Youth Alienation’
‘A crisis of growing alienation between young people and the church’ – but are Irish young people truly distancing themselves from Jesus too?
‘Drop the idea of living in Christendom’ – Cardinal Farrell
Cardinal Farrell stresses the need to ‘educate consciences’ to live the faith courageously in a Western cultural setting that is now hostile.
ICRN Conference Supports Pope Francis, June 16 2018
Meeting in Slovakia, this international church reform movement drew inspiration from the Slovakian Catholic underground church.
‘The Church’s mission is not to compel the unwilling …’ – Bishop Leo O’Reilly of Kilmore
"The Church’s mission is not to compel the unwilling, but to invite the willing." Bishop Leo O’Reilly of Kilmore – at Knock, June 17th 2018
Armagh Peace & Justice Commission – Meeting Sat 7th July
Armagh Justice and Peace Commission to host a conversation on the recent Referendum and upcoming WMOF – Sat July 7, Carrickdale Hotel Dundalk.
Irish Bishops to establish ‘Council for Life’
In the wake of the Irish referendum on May 25th the Irish Bishops have responded with a plan for a new ‘Council for Life’.
WAC Ireland petition to Pope Francis re LGBTQI
We Are Church (Ireland) protest Catechism wording on the LGBTQI community – and petition Pope Francis to change it.
Thomas Reese SJ: Pro-Life Cause needs a new Strategy
In the wake of the Irish abortion referendum Thomas Reese SJ argues for a change of strategy for the pro-life cause.
What About Me? – Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney to speak in Howth
Dr Sharon Tighe-Mooney to speak in Howth, on Monday 14th May, against the exclusion of women from the Catholic priesthood.
Irish Primate calls for review of Catholic sex education
Archbishop Eamon Martin has called for a review of sex education in Irish Catholic schools, including provision for issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.
What About Me? Women and the Catholic Church
Why exactly are women banned from the Catholic priesthood, and therefore from exercising authority within it? Sharon Tighe-Mooney finds the case seriously wanting.
PRESS RELEASE – ‘Future Families: Challenges for Faith and Society’
14th April, 2018 – All are invited to discuss the challenges to the varying configurations of family today – and the role of faith in meeting those.
‘We want an Authentic Church’ – Young People to Church Leaders
Church leaders should be ‘transparent, welcoming, honest, inviting, communicative, accessible, joyful and interactive’ according to a conference of young people in Rome.
‘Will you cry out?’ – Pope Francis to the Young
‘You have it in you to shout!’ said the pope – the day following major youth demonstrations against gun violence and gun fetishism in all major US cities.