The World Covid Crisis now ongoing was not foreseen when ACI launched an appeal for help in February 2020.
‘Paternalism’ the greatest danger: child protection expert
Fr Hans Zollner laments an attitude that devalues lay people and attributes too much influence to bishops – and calls for better theology.
Irish bishops issue liturgical rules to combat Coronavirus Covid-19
A medical emergency will immediately impact upon Mass and other liturgical events in Ireland.
US Bishop McElroy warns against single-issue voting in election year
Prudence, not any single issue, must come first when weighing which candidates are most likely to benefit the ‘common good’ – Catholic Bishop of San Diego, Ca.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to oppose Pope Francis on Priestly Celibacy?
Is Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI opposing Pope Francis – or merely arguing against media expectations of global change on mandatory priestly celibacy?
Dublin archdiocese to shift sacramental preparation away from schools
Dublin parishes and parents to take responsibility for sacramental preparation – as school-reliant system loses viability.
ACI Press Release: Pilot Study Highlights lack of Lay Leadership in Parishes
A 2019 ACI Pilot Study of Lay Co-Responsibility in Irish parishes raises serious concern and calls for all-Ireland survey
Christian Mindfulness: A Reminder
Irish Bishops argue for, and outline, a ‘Christian Mindfulness’ but warn against the merely secular variety.
Amazon: Bishops vote for married priests
Pope Francis must now decide on request from Amazonia for married priests for remote areas. This decision could change the Catholic church everywhere.
Climate Change AND the Church OR Climate Change IN the Church
Fr Sean McDonagh and Sr Dympna Mallon SMA – to speak to Armagh Peace and Justice Commission, in the O Fiaich Library, Moy Road, Armagh, Sat 9th Nov, 2019
Lumen Gentium 37: Meeting with Bishops D McKeown and A Cullinan – 1st Oct 2019
Report of brief preliminary meeting of ACI delegation with Bishops D McKeown of Derry and A Cullinan of Waterford and Lismore at Maynooth, 1st Oct 2019
Cardinal Newman influenced anti-Nazi martyrs
To be canonised in Rome on Sunday October 13th, Cardinal John Henry Newman also influenced anti-Nazi martyrs celebrated in post World War II Germany.
German Hierarchy Seek Own ‘Synodal Way’
Canon Law boundaries are making German bishops restless and impatient in 2019, following outrage over clerical abuse revelations.
ACI calls Irish Bishops to Honour Lumen Gentium #37 at October 2019 Conference
With the priestly manpower crisis building in Ireland, Irish Bishops need to attend to Article 37 of Lumen Gentium when they meet on October 1st, 2019
WAC to Celebrate Ethical Award to Mary McAleese
Joan Chittister and Mary McAleese to receive prestigious European Award In Trinity College Dublin – Sat Nov 2nd, 2019